Charlotte: Early School Years

Charlotte in her Aunt Hilda's garden in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
with unknown
Back: unknown, Mildred Hovick Monge (sister), unknown, unknown, unknown
Front: Charlotte
Back: Harold Monge (brother-in-law), Mildred Hovick Monge (sister)
Front: Pauline Hovick (mother), Charlotte
Children's Choir, St. John's Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minnesota
Charlotte (4th row, far right)
Charlotte, Pauline, Signe Hovick Christeson (sister), Mildred
with Mildred's sons?
Signe, Pauline, Mildred, Charlotte
June 21, 1938
Bridesmaids for sister Signe's Wedding to Eldon Christeson
Mildred, Esther Hovick (cousin), Charlotte
Charlotte, Signe, Charles (father), Pauline

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